Friday, February 24, 2012

Even if your bone density may lose some ...

If you have osteoporosis, you could mistakenly think that exercise will lead to destruction. Actually, though, using the muscles help protect bone. Osteoporosis is a major cause of disability in older women. So if you have osteoporosis, you can reduce the risk of spine and fractures that can lead to loss of mobility and independence? A: Exercise. If you have always been physically active is good for you. Even though your bones may lose some density with age, they rarely become brittle enough to break if slip and fall. In addition, exercising, you strengthen the muscles and strong muscles help protect bone.

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It's never too late to start training. After menopause speed bone loss really picks up. Run exercise can increase muscle strength, improve balance and help you avoid falls and it can save the bones become weaker. For postmenopausal women, regular physical activity can:

exercises if you have osteoporosis means finding the most safe and enjoyable activities for you, given the overall health and amount of bone loss. There is no single universal prescription all. Consult your doctor before starting any exercise program for the treatment of osteoporosis. You may generic lasix need several tests, including:

In the meantime, think about what activities you like best. If you choose exercise you enjoy, you will most likely stick to it over time. .

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